torsdag 22. mars 2012

First entry

This is my very first attempt at blogging. Despite the title I will not use this blog as a personal journal, I just liked the ring of it, double d and all. The purpose of the blog is to collect my hobbies as an inspiration and motivation for myself. 

My hobbies which I wish to front here is food and cooking, sowing and clothes, hair and make up, home decor, and purely for motivational reasons health and exercise. The last theme will contain my attempt to loose weight, and here I might be quite personal. I am also getting married this year and I might write some about the planning of this event, just for the fun of it.

Some basic information about me for those who might stumble over this blog and do not know me. My name is Dalana and I live in Bergen, Norway. I am 27, educated within economics and live with my boy friend in a flat which is slowly being renovated. 

There are two reasons why I have chosen to write in English. First of all I have quite a few relatives in Canada, and they might find this blog interesting. The second reasons is the off chance that someone it the big, wide world might find this blog to their liking. 

I apologize the lack of pictures in this first entry, I promise that the fallowing entries will be better on this account. I am no photographer, that is my boy friend's field of interest, but I will try to get some descriptive shots of what I am writing about. 

Kind regards,