tirsdag 8. januar 2013

Shopping free 2013

Some of you might have heard of people choosing to have a shopping free year, for all sorts of reasons (economical, environmental and social awareness seem to be the most common). My main reasons besides these are listed in this post. Furthermore it is something my mother has suggested I should do the last three or four years, so mom, this is for you too!

From the movie "Confessions of a shopaholic"- my wardrobe has a similar feel to it.

For some the "rules of the game "are very strict, others have more lenient rules. 
My rules will be fitted to me and my needs, but are as follows. 

1. No clothes shopping.
2. No shoes shopping (unless some very nice light winter boots with a bit of a heels suddenly appear)
3. Underwear, socks and tights are OK to buy. Though no flamboyant underwear, only if there is something specific which I need.
4. Sports wear is OK, but as with underwear, only when something is truly needed. (So the pink ski pants that I've been thinking a tad bit of will not be bought... unless they are on sale and 70 % off)
5. No accessories.  
6. Totally OK to sow/knit new clothing items (and maybe some accessories) and buy fabric/yarn in order to do this.
7. Totally OK to have clothes/shoes fixed.

Think these rules will suffice. Should some unforeseen issue arise it isn't really a problem as this is just a personal goal and competition. I am after all the only contestant. 

Anyone else planning on having a shopping brake?

Best regards,

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