mandag 7. januar 2013

Oatmeal cookies

A natural post to follow my weight loss goals is of course a cookie recipe! These are not for your everyday diet, but might be nice for special occasions, such as birthday parties or Christmas (which is what I made these for).

This recipe is not mine, but one I've inherited from my mom's aunt Joanne in Canada. They are the best cookies I've tasted by far, and as oatmeal is a large part of the ingredients they are a bit filling as well (so maybe you manage with just one...).

The very first time I made these were when I was hoping to make a good "pre-impression" on my inlaws. I sent a box of cookies with my then boy friend for Christmas (before I had really met any of them) and voila, we got married this fall! Furthermore, my mother in law has asked for a batch of these cookies for Christmas ever since - so do try out these lovelies.

This year I made them in my Kenwood cooking Chef, and it's the first time I made them with help from a machine. Man, it makes a difference! This dough is tough to mix together by hand, but absolutely no stress with a kitchen machine.

Just add
1 cup of butter, diced
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup refined sugar
2 stirred eggs
2 table spoons of water
Vanilla seeds from one stem
1,5 cups of flour
1 tea spoon of baking soda
1 tea spoon of salt
3 cups of oatmeal

to the machine and mix together.

When everything is mixed, add one cup of chocolate chips or walnuts (I use both).
For non-american readers, one cup translates to 2,36 dl...But I just eyeballed it and they turn out yummy nevertheless.

Put the dough on a sheet of plastic, and wrap the plastic around the dough and shape into a sausage. Freeze for a minimum of a half hour, but not until frozen. This will make it easier to form the cookies.

After the dough has become semi-hard cut the sausage into 5-7 mm wide slices and lay on a baking tray. This batch yields ca 36 cookies. Bake for 7-8 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius. 

The cookies keep well in a sealed container (such as a cookie jar) and should freeze OK, though I have not tried this. The dough can be kept in the freezer without any problems.

Enjoy (but not too often)!

Kind regards,

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